TAHP Session Highlights

Following each legislative session, the Texas Association of Health Plans produces an-end-of-session wrap-up booklet highlighting legislative victories, debates, and any developments that occurred during the session that were a priority or focus area for the health insurance industry in Texas.

TAHP Session Highlights Resources:

TAHP 85th Session Legislative Highlights

A guide to TAHP legislative priorities in the 85th Texas Legislature.

July 2017

During the 85th Legislature, the Texas Association of Health Plans advocated to maintain a competitive health insurance market in Texas. TAHP worked to educate legislators and their staffs on the negative consequences of overly prescriptive regulations or burdensome government mandates that drive up the cost of health coverage. During session, TAHP and its member plans were instrumental in preventing many measures from advancing that would have restricted private market negotiations, reduced competition, increased cost for Texas consumers and businesses, and limited affordable health plan coverage options.


TAHP 84th Session Legislative Highlights

A guide to TAHP legislative priorities in the 84th Texas Legislature.

July 2015

By actively monitoring the progress of several hundred bills and staying in close contact with legislators and their staffs throughout the session, TAHP and its members secured a number of key legislative victories that support our overall goals of ensuring an affordable and stable health insurance market. These included successfully preventing many measures from advancing that would have resulted in onerous and costly new payment, contracting and benefit mandates for the industry, and in turn, increased health care costs for Texas consumers.


TAHP 83rd Session Legislative Highlights (longer version)

A guide to TAHP legislative priorities in the 83rd Texas Legislature.

July 2013

The Texas Legislature’s 83rd Regular Session will likely be remembered as one of the most challenging for health plans in many years. Despite the filing of more than 300 bills, TAHP succeeded in mitigating the consequences of proposals that would have undermined health plans’ ability to promote affordability and access to quality health care.


TAHP 83rd Session Legislative Highlights (summary)

A guide to TAHP legislative priorities in the 83rd Texas Legislature.

July 2013

The Texas Legislature’s 83rd Regular Session will likely be remembered as one of the most challenging for health plans in many years. Despite the filing of more than 300 bills, TAHP succeeded in mitigating the consequences of proposals that would have undermined health plans’ ability to promote affordability and access to quality health care.
